04.11.2024 Screening of That Comes From Within at Rosa- Luxemburg Foundation, Straße der Pariser Kommune 8a, 10243 Berlin
04.11.2024 Screening of That Comes From Within at Rosa- Luxemburg Foundation, Straße der Pariser Kommune 8a, 10243 Berlin
Opening 11.09.2024, 6pm, Exhibition 12.09.– 24.10. 2024, IG Bildende Kunst, Gumpendorfer Straße 10-12, 1060 Wien
29.06.2024, 17-21h Studios DAS WEISSE HAUS with julia Gaisbacher, Lavinia Lanner, Ryts Monet, Hyeji Nam, Yoshinori Niwa, Yuji Oshima, Christiana Perschon
06/ 2024, two of my works got selected for acquisition for the public Art Collection of the Federal Ministery of the Republic of Austria (BMKOES/ Collection Arthotek des Bundes) and one for the Public Art Collection of the City of Vienna (MA7- Wien Museum)
4., 5., and 11. and 12. May 2024, Forest Workshops with Kids age 5-12, during the piece Shared Landscapes (Caroline Barneaud/ Stefan Kaegi (Rimini Protokoll), Tangente St. Pölten
Impulse workshops Natural Brushes and Earth Pigments 06.04. & 13.04. 2024, 4pm; 07.04. & 14.04. 5pm –backyard and canal behind KUNST HAUS, 08; 09; & 11; 12.04. 2024, 4pm Roof Garden Hundertwasser. In the framework of the exhibition Into the Woods. Opening days of Klima Binnale. Headquarters at Kunst Haus Wien
Opening 29. 02. 2024, 7pm, exhibition 01.03. – 04.05.2024 with Julia Gaisbacher, Lena Rosa Händle, Lavinia Lanner, Rafael Lippuner, Ryts Monet, Hyeji Nam, Yoshinori Niwa, Christiana Perschon, Yuji Oshima, eSeL (Lorenz Seidler), das weisse haus, Vienna
Residency Scholoarship 2025 in Berlin of the Federal Ministry of the Republic of Austria (BMKOES)
Queering in Kunst_Geschichte_Wissenschaft. Perspektiven reparativer Praxen Beitrag von Friederike Nastold und Barbara Paul in kritische berichte, Bd. 51 Nr. 3 (2023)
Fr 14/07, 15–18 h und Sa 15/07, 15–18 h Workshops für Kinder und ihre Begleiter*innen. Rustenschacherallee 2-4, 1020 Wien Anmeldung unter: motheringcommunities@gmail.com
Saturday 24.06. and Sunday 25.06. 2023, 5-9 pm FOTO WIEN Open Studios and exhibition at das weisse haus curated by Ilari Laamanen
17.06.23 10.30. am – 13.30 pm, Bilddiskussion und Re-edit Workshop mit Anna Hanreich (Albertina, Wien) und den Fotografinnen, Kulturzentrum Spittelberg im Amerlinghaus, Stiftgasse 8, 1. Stock, 1070 Wien
07.06. 2023 (Release date) Contribution with the text What is Moving about photography? by Laura Guy
Opening 14.05. 2023, 1pm, exhibition 15.05.- 24.09. 2023 Schloss Hubertusburg, Wermsdorf, Saxony, Germany
Editors: Karolina Kühn, Mirjam Zadoff, Exhibition at the Munich Documentation Centre for the History of National Socialism Munich Text: English / German, Hirmer Publisher