04_2025 Lecture and Workshop at Trans Arts Department, University of Applied Arts Vienna
05.03.2025 Lecture, Talk and interview with Claudia von Gélieu, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Berlin
21.01. 2025 Guest lecture: Reclaiming Gestures, tutorial: Queerfeminism in advertising, department of Journalism and Communication Studies, University Vienna
04. /05. and 11./12. 05. 2024 Workshops Into the Woods with Kids during piece Shared Landscapes (Caroline Barneaud/ Stefan Kaegi (Rimini Protokoll), Tangente St. Pölten
Workshop Artistic photography March-July 2023 Studio das weisse haus, Schwarzenbergstr. 5, 1010 Wien und Payergasse 7/1, 1160 Wien
SS_23_LRH_FOTOKURS_Ankündigung_ (download)
Workshop artistic photography Wintersemester 2022/23
Workshop WS_22_23_LRH_FOTOKURS_Ankündigung_(download)
Final presentations 26.01. 2023 7pm, Vereinigung der bildenden Künstlerinnen Österreichs (VBKÖ), Vienna
Workshop artistic photographie: The own in your image, Studio das weisse haus, Vienna
Ankündigung Workshop WS 2021/22 (download)
Ausstellung im Kunstverein Kombinage
Opening 15. Februar 2022, 4-8pm exhibition 16.02- 23.02.2022
Opening times mo-fr 5-8pm sa and so 2-5pm
2022 Fotoworkshop/ Exkursion, Kunstschule Wien
2021 Guest lecturer at the seminar: „Strategien zur Beendigung der Postmoderne„, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna (online)
January-June 2021 Art history as human science, Kunstschule Wien (online)
2020 The Own in the Other, Workshops, KUNSTHAUS WIEN
2020 Presentation/Talk „Berufsbild Künstlerin„, Kunstschule Wien
2019 The Own in the Counterpart, analogue Portrait Workshop, Westlicht, Center of Photography, Vienna
2017 Guest lecturer: About the Desire, Academy of Visual Arts (HGB), Leipzig
2013 – 2017 University Assistant, Department of Art and Education, Institute for Education in the Arts, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
teaching and full-time university staff
curated and co-curated projects:
-2017 Toward Art Education, Institute for Art and Education, Acadamy of Fine Art, Vienna
-2017 What is the comb? Dialogues of „a“ political hair, Workshop with students annd Juliana Dos Santos, Thiago de Paula Souza and Delal Isci
-2016 Transversal, at Kubatur des Kabinetts, with students of the Department of Art and Education at the Institute for Education in the Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts, Fluc, Vienna
-2015/16 Sexismus und Werbung revisited, with students and Doris Guth, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
-2015 Counter/ Acting Self- Organized Universities, with Andrea Hubin, Belinda Kazeem-Kaminski, Elke Krasny, Barbara Mahlknecht, Sunanda Mesquita and Hansel Sato. A cooperation between the Department of Art and Education at the Institute for Education in the Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and the Kunsthalle Wien
–2014 Wir machen Schule, Kunst in Bildungsprozessen/ We do school, art with in educational processes, with Christoph Urwalek, Ana Hoffner and students of the Institute for Education in the Arts, Academy of Visual Arts, Passagegalerie Künstlerhaus, Vienna
2014 Guest lecturer, Laughing Inverts, at American Studies Institute, University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA
2012 Dildo, Anus, Power – Queer Abstractions, Call for Participation Exhibition, Symposium with Ruby Sircar and Hans Scheirl, Aula, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna
2011-2012 Lecturer, Evening Academy, Academy of Visual Arts, Leipzig
2012 No Animals Where Harmed During this Production, co-curated with Nadja Bournonville, Jana Nowack and Josefine Bieler, Academy of Visual Arts (HGB), Leipzig
2011-2013 Workshops gender and photography at rural East German schools, Cultures Interactive, Berlin
2009-2011 Queer-feminist artist group Gabifront cooperation with Josefine Freiberg and Pauline Recke, self- organized project space TVOD, Berlin
2005-2006 Photography-group Polyfoto and workshops. Centre for Media and Socio-Cultural, Villa, Leipzig
2006 From cars in Kitchens/Von Autos in Küchen, Polyfoto in collaboration with the Gallery of Contemporary Art – for you (GfzK-for you), Leipzig